John's Funeral Mass

John's funeral will take place at St William of York Church, Forest Hill SE23 1PS on the 9th of December 2020 at 12:00pm. Unfortunately, Covid restrictions mean that only a small number of people can be invited to the funeral, but it will be live-streamed on the Parish Facebook page: A suitable celebration of John’s life will be arranged for all who wish to attend once the current restrictions are lifted, and we hope to see you all there.

Donations via this website or (for Parish Crisis Fund) by credit to: NatWest Bank, Sort Code 60-50-01, Acc.No. 79124437, Ref: Your name, gift aid number and "SWOY Crisis Fund". Please also e-mail Mary at to notify your donation to ensure gift aid can be claimed. Cash donations can be left by hand at 4, Brockley Park, London SE23 1PS.